Matthew PasqualeCongratulations to Matthew Pasquale, RWJ Fitness & Wellness Center New Brunswick’s Personal Trainer of the Month for August 2014!

Specialty: Sport performance; circuit training; bodybuilding.

Favorite Quote: “The only workout you’ll regret is the one you don’t do.”


Ready to tackle your unique fitness goals, Matthew looks forward to seeing you on the Exercise Floor. He earned his personal training certification from the International Sports Sciences Association. Currently, he is working toward certification as a specialist in exercise therapy from there as well.

Matthew’s experience includes using his skills and education to help clients achieve weight loss, muscle development, improved flexibility, and overall well- being. He enjoys working with TRX, kettlebells, and stability and medicine balls to keep routines fun. His goal is to make every workout more intense and effective than the previous.

A lifelong athlete, Matthew played baseball since age five and football since middle school. He loves to cook healthy meals and experiment in the kitchen. In his free time, he enjoys strength training, visiting New York City, and reading fitness magazines. His favorite food is anything Italian, topped with fresh parmesan cheese.

Through positive support and customized training, Matthew helps his clients excel and feels fulfilled in the process.


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