How to Workout Safely and Effectively in a Mask
How to Workout Safely and Effectively in a Mask Mask wearing during exercise is a new experience. Give yourself some time to acclimate, and be sure to speak with our trained staff to learn a few tips to help you with the process. If you are still struggling with...
REOPENING FEEDBACK DIRECTLY FROM OUR MEMBERS Welcome back Members! It’s been a little over a month since we’ve been able to reopen our doors, and we have been extremely appreciative of all the understanding, patience, and hard work of members, staff, and...
Your Voice Matters – Help Us Reopen!
Your Voice Matters – Help Us Reopen! We wanted to reach out to let you know that our members, staff, and community are our top priority! We have been working closely with Medical Professionals and Representatives from the Governor’s office to make them aware of...